Water Filtration Services in Grand Junction, CO
Do you ever feel like your water could be harmful or you need an upgrade to a better water filtration system?
The Source H2O’s goal is to provide safe and clean water to your home in Grand Junction. We do all aspects of water filtrations including manufacturing, installing and servicing. Water filtration systems give you the clean water you’ve always wanted.
To begin the journey to clean water we do a free water test of your Grand Junction home to see the contents of the water. Our team members can identify any contaminants and then begin to discuss your options. We have many water filtration systems to help you have clean water.
Water filtration systems include:
- Saltless systems
- Nero Clear
- Nero Pure
- E-Treat
- UV systems
- Iron filters
The Source H2O also offers a customer service package that is guaranteed for 90 days and entails system check, filter change, water testing, and sanitation of drinking lines.
To contact The Source H2O, call us at (970) 242-9742 or go down below to the contact form.